Guatemala’s Volcán Fuego Eruption 2018

Volcán Fuego Eruption engulfs Aldea El Rodeo, Guatemala

Volcán Fuego Eruption engulfs Aldea El Rodeo, Guatemala


Volcán Fuego, the most active of Guatemala’s volcanoes, suffered a catastrophic eruption Sunday afternoon.
Sending white hot pyroclastic flows and ash filled Volcanic mudslides into nearby villages, it has killed more than seventy five, including two firefighters who gave their lives in a rescue attempt. Hundreds more have been injured, many with critical burns. Thousands have been evacuated and more than two hundred remain missing.

Firefighters from all over the country, the Guatemalan Army’s Unidad Humanitaria y de Rescate (UHR) and CONRED have responded to the disaster. Search and rescue is ongoing. However, the situation remains dangerous. Sustained heavy rains and continuing volcanic activity are threatening the rescuers.

Rescuer Boots melt at Volcán Fuego Eruption

(Foto: Alejandro Balán/Soy502)

Working in the still hot volcanic ash, rescuers have had their boots fall apart as the heat melts the glue of the soles and chars the stitching.

Firefighters appear ghost-like. The ash, particularly the dust, covers everything. They struggle with filter masks and respirators to protect them while they walk through the knee deep volcanic sand.  It is hazardous to breath. Composed of tiny glass-like particles, it lacerates the throats and lungs, and can cause long term damage.

Victims found alive are being transported to the hospital in the small city of Escuintla. Overloaded with patients, the most serious are then transferred to the larger hospitals of Guatemala City. Many have sustained critical burns. Often of the legs and feet, the burns came from walking through the ash. Severe respiratory problems from the inhalation of hot ash and gas are common. Many have traumatic injuries sustained in collapses and from flying debris. Medications, burn dressings, IV needles, fluids and even clean water are in short supply.

Woman rescued from Volcan Fuego

Woman rescued after the Volcán Fuego Eruption, near the village of El Rodeo, Guatemala


A Second Volcán Fuego Eruption Delays Rescue effort.

At 2:15 on Tuesday, a second eruption of the volcano sent ash 15,000 feet into the air. Releasing another pyroclastic flow and a lahar down the same flank as Sunday’s catastrophe, search and rescue teams for forced to flee the area.  Incident commanders withdrew all rescue teams for safety, and ordered more evacuations near “Zona Cero” the unofficial name for the most hard hit area.

Many of the evacuees are being sheltered in a sports complex in Escuintla.

Second Volcán Fuego Eruption

Second Volcán Fuego Eruption

Vinicio Calderon, Chief of the Patulul, Guatemala Fire Department reported to us last night that officials were meeting to discuss when crews could return to the disaster area. Heavy rains continue, making the mountainside ash very unstable, and lahars pose a significant threat. Other firefighters and Chiefs reported to us that their crews were able to withdraw safely and without serious injuries. 

No word has been received about when crews can return. The chance for rescuing more survivors are turning grim.

AMEDICAusa is on the ground.

We urgently need your help. Medical supplies needed to treat the injured are in dwindling. Food, medicine and water are needed for the evacuees being sheltered. even filter masks are nearly gone. Donations to purchase the needed supplies in Guatemala are critical. Our funds for this disaster are nearly exhausted already and there is much, much more to do.

Children with burns from Volcán Fuego Eruption

Children with burns from Volcán Fuego Eruption

We need your immediate support to get the critical supplies and medications to where they will do the most good

Click here to make an emergency donation to AMEDICAusa and Volcano Relief in Guatemala.

Watch our video of Sunday’s Eruption





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